

This book is summarized information about the Prophet of Islam Biography and Testimonials.

Women in Islam - (English)

A book in English that discusses the special place women have in the religion of Islam and seeks to address some of the many misconceptions and false propaganda published by those who are ignorant of this religion or harbor a malicious intent to purposely misrepresent it.

Islam In Focus - (English)

Islam, is a comprehensive way of Life, does not confine itself to the spiritual aspect of man’s life only, rather its primary concern is with the application of its rules to the daily life of man, the author wrote it in an easy and simple method to achieve the very....

Spread of Islam in West Africa - (English)

:Article is composed of three parts, which 1-How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 1: Islam reaches West Africa, and a history of the Islamic Empire of Ghana.....

Stories of New Muslims - (English)

This book is published on the shoulders of those people who have volunteered their personal stories of how they entered Islam. If you, the reader, are open to the possibility that Allah, the Creator, has given you clear evidence to accept Him and His message of Islam, then read these....

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? - (English)

An article in English shows the stance of Islam towards terrorism. It contains some Islamic texts showing Muslims' morals in the war, the mercy of Islam to animals, and the prohibition of murder.

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? - (English)

An article in English shows the stance of Islam towards terrorism. It contains some Islamic texts showing Muslims' morals in the war, the mercy of Islam to animals, and the prohibition of murder.

You Ask and the Quran Answers - (English)

A small book in English answers thirty-two questions through Quranic verses about Allah, previous nations, the meaning of worship, preserving the Quran from distortion, Prophets Muhammad and Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them), the afterlife, and the fate of believers and unbelievers.

Women in Islam - (English)

A book in English in which the Author, a well-known British lady writer, discusses the special place women have in Islam and seeks to address some of the many misconceptions and false propaganda published by those who are ignorant of this religion or harbor a malicious intent to purposely misrepresent....

Human Rights in Islam - (English)

Three articles in English in which the author shows the rules that Islam put for human rights. They handle this concept in Islam based on the Quran and Prophetic tradition. They show the greatness of Islam in respecting and dignifying humans.

Tolerance Of Islam - (English)

Tolerance Of Islam In Purification, Prayers, Zakah, Fasting And Pilgrimage

Answering Humanity's Critical Questions - (English)

Islam answers humanity’s most critical and significant questions, such as:  What is the truth?  Who created us?  Is there a God?  Who is our true God?  Who is God’s final prophet?  Whom should we worship?  Who are we?  Why are we here?....