
Is Jesus God? - (English)

This book presents 30 Proofs from the Old Testament, New Testament, rational thought and history on the fact that Jesus Christ (son of Mary) was a human and a Prophet from his Lord and Creator (God), and that he was not God or the son of God.


This booklet sheds light on nine basic features of the two main sources of Islamic teachings (the Qur’an and the narrations of Prophet Muhammad). It includes a focused discussion on the Islamic moral system, which calls for preserving human rights and strengthening the relationships among humans. It shows how these....

Islam Is Your Birthright - (English)

This book presents rational and logical proofs to prove that the only one who deserves to be worshiped is God alone. It presents the pillars of Islam and its faith, as well as eleven facts about the noble Prophet Jesus. The author mentions amazing facts about the Prophet of Islam....

Islam’s Revival Of Jesus’ Teachings - (English)

Islam’s Revival Of Jesus’ Teachings

Who Deserves To Be Worshipped? - (English)

This book presents rational and logical proofs to prove that the only one who deserves to be worshiped is God alone. It presents the pillars of Islam and its faith, as well as eleven facts about the noble Prophet Jesus. The author mentions amazing facts about the Prophet of Islam....

What Brought Them To Islam? - (English)

Islam is growing rapidly in the West and around the world and is often called the fastest growing religion. In the U.S. alone, the number of Muslims has risen dramatically, from about ten thousand in the year 1900 to at least several million people today. Despite widespread misconceptions about women....