
Human Rights and Justice in Islam - (English)

A glimpse at the foundations of human rights laid by Islam

The True Status of Women in Islam - (English)

The veil and its meaning in Islam and the Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as a brief look at the Islamic stance towards women.

The Common Origin of Humanity - (English)

The Quran, the Muslim sacred scripture, informs humanity of their common origins from Adam and Eve.

The Forgiveness of Muhammad Shown to Non-Muslims - (English)

The forgiveness of the Prophet towards non-Muslims, even those who sought to kill him and opposed his mission throughout his life

Accepting Islam - (English)

1- Overcoming obstacles 2- Accepting Islam washes away previous sins.

Seven Common Questions about Islam - (English)

Some of the most common questions asked about Islam. Part 1: What is Islam? What are Muslims? Who is Allah? Who is Muhammad?

How Does Islam Differ from other Faiths? - (English)

Some of the Unique Features of Islam not found in other belief systems and ways of life.

Peace and Security - (English)

How Islam creates a sense of peace with one’s creator and one’s self. By Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad - (English)

A book in English confirms the Biblical proofs that Muhammad is not a false prophet through four chapters: (1) Bible Prophecies of Muhammad Witnesses of Scholars, (2) Old Testament Prophecies of Muhammad, (3) New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad, and (4) More New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad.

A Message to Christian - (English)

A book in English which is aimed to every Christian who is willing to search for the truth with a sincere desire and a broad mind to provide him with answers to questions that would otherwise take a long time to find.

Yes! I Converted to Islam and Here Is Why? - (English)

A book in English provides sample testimonies of those who studied Islam objectively and converted to it conscientiously. It is not that Islam needs such testimonies in order to verify its authenticity. Our intention is to let those who have not yet contemplated converting to Islam share the insights of....

A Message to Who Does Not Believe in Prophet Muhammad - (English)

A book in English that neither aims to answer ignorant or hostile critics nor recounts praises of our Prophet as countless Muslim authors do so eloquently over centuries. Rather, it is to present facts that are based on historically verified sources and then leave the reader to make his own....