A book in English shows and presents the creed and doctrine of Ahl As-Sunnah wal Jamaah as Muslim scholars mentioned.
A brief treatise translated into English written by Imam Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab (may Allah have mercy on him) in which he talks about the prayer, the greatest pillar of Islam after monotheism. He mentions its conditions, duties, and pillars.
The Book of Monotheism - (English)
The Book of Monotheism
On the tail of Dr. Brown’s two theological tsunamis, MisGod’ed and God’ed, comes this indispensable Islamic primer. Bearing True Witness takes its rightful place at the conclusion of this trilogy of theological works by providing essential yet practical advice on how to correctly live the chosen religion of Islam.
The Fundamentals of Faith - (English)
The Fundamentals of Faith
The Last Day - (English)
This book talks about: Life in the grave and the Spirit, then the signs of the hour, and Description of Paradise and fire and its inhabitants on the Day of Resurrection.
What Muslim Children Must Know - (English)
What Muslim Children Must Know
The Forty Hadith of al-Imam an-Nawawi - (English)
“An-Nawawi’s Forty” is a popular collection of hadiths pertaining to basic tenets of Islam. It has been widely studied in traditional Arabic circles of learning and continues to be one of the basic subjects taught in Islamic courses throughout the world today. This book contains the Arabic text, English translation....
A book translated into English contains twelve lessons in Islamic fundamentals: (1) The meaning of testifying that there is no god but Allah, (2) The meaning of testifying that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, (3) The obligation of obeying Allah and His Messenger, (4) Virtue of monotheism, (5) Meaning....
New Muslims: Guide to Hajj and Umrah - (English)
A book in English contains an illustrated and simple explanation of the rites of pilgrimage and umrah in the light of the noble Quran and Prophetic tradition.
The Must-know Duties - (English)
A brief book in English contains the principles that a Muslim has to know in Islam such as: (1) Knowing his Lord, the types of worship that He commanded him, (2) Knowing his religion by explaining the conditions of monotheism testimony, (3) Knowing the nullifiers of Islam and monotheism categories.
Explanation of Riyadh al-Saliheen - (English)
A comprehensive explanation and commentary of the first 24 hadith of Imam al-Nawawi’s classic compilation, Riyadh al-Saliheen.